March 4, 2024


The Pipipi is a small, insectivorous bird with a slender body and a slightly curved beak. It has a brownish colouration on its upper parts, with streaks of lighter brown and a pale underside.

Physical Description

The Pipipi, or Brown Creeper, is a small, insectivorous bird with a slender body and a slightly curved beak. It has a brownish colouration on its upperparts, with streaks of lighter brown and a pale underside. The plumage provides excellent camouflage against tree bark. They have long, thin tails and sharp claws, aiding their climbing and foraging behaviour.

Habitat and Range

Pipipi are endemic to New Zealand and can be found in various forested habitats, including native forests, scrublands, and regenerating forests. They are particularly associated with trees, where they forage for insects and build their nests. Pipipi are found throughout the North, South, and Stewart Islands and on some offshore islands.

Feeding Habits

Pipipi are insectivorous birds with specialised feeding behaviour. They have a unique method of searching for insects, starting from the base of a tree and spiralling their way up while probing and probing the bark with their beak. They primarily feed on small invertebrates, such as spiders, insects, and their larvae, which they find hidden in tree crevices and under bark.

Breeding and Nesting

Pipipi form monogamous pairs during the breeding season. They build cup-shaped nests made of twigs, moss, and other plant materials, typically located on the branches of trees. The female lays a clutch of eggs, and both parents participate in incubation and raising the chicks. Pipipi chicks are born naked and helpless and are fed by both parents.

Conservation Status

The Pipipi is not currently classified as a threatened species. They have a relatively stable population and are adaptable to various forested habitats. However, localised declines can occur due to habitat loss, predation by introduced mammals, and competition with other bird species.

Trees and Plant Preferences

Pipipi are closely associated with native forests and the trees within them. They rely on the presence of various tree species for foraging and nesting purposes. Common trees that attract Pipipi include beech trees (Nothofagus species), rimu (Dacrydium cupressinum), mataī (Prumnopitys taxifolia), and kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides). These trees provide suitable crevices and insects for their feeding behaviour.

Interesting Facts

  • Pipipi has a distinctive, high-pitched song often described as a series of musical whistles or trills.
  • They are highly skilled climbers capable of moving upwards and downwards along tree trunks and branches.
  • Pipipi are known for their elusive behaviour, often remaining hidden within tree bark and foliage, making them challenging to spot.
  • They have an important ecological role as insectivores, helping control tree-damaging insect populations.
  • Māori folklore attributes spiritual significance to the Pipipi, associating them with forest guardianship and as messengers of the gods.


Mohoua novaeseelandiae

The Pipipi is a small, insectivorous bird with a slender body and a slightly curved beak. It has a brownish colouration on its upper parts, with streaks of lighter brown and a pale underside.